Regenass, Yves: Digital Theater. The use of virtual space in school theater practice
Published in 2018 in
School Theatre: Rooms, Issue 33,
Friedrich Verlag GmbH, Seelze
"In schools and other educational areas, too, a specific curiosity about the phenomenon of digital theatre is increasingly emerging. [...] Since digitality is essentially anchored in the world of experience of children and young people, it seems to be an obvious and attractive new approach to the medium of theatre on the one hand, and on the other hand, digitalised forms of theatre are often accompanied by an activation of the audience: the recipients take part in the situation, often participate and interact. We are therefore dealing with a dynamic theatre structure that, in an educational context, can be strongly characterised by the principle of participation on both the producer and the recipient side. [...] This offers, among other things, the opportunity to open up new spaces and inoculate them with cultural processes."